Yousuf Sarfaraz (Gizan, 1999 ) is an accomplished Indian...
Yousuf Sarfaraz (Gizan, 1999 ) is an accomplished Indian photographer with an impressive 8-year tenure in the field. His distinctive practice revolves around photographing the often unseen or overlooked aspects of people, places, and situations, presenting them to a broader audience to ignite curiosity, exploration, and transformation. Currently based in London, Yousuf holds a Master of Arts degree in Documentary Photography and Photojournalism from the University of Westminster, complemented by a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and Video Production from Karim City College. Yousuf's work is deeply rooted in journalistic principles.For Yousuf, photography serves as a powerful medium to instigate change and unveil realities, providing a visual narrative that transcends the limitations of words. He adeptly utilizes both digital and analogue photography mediums to craft his compelling visual stories. Moreover, Yousuf is a passionate mentor, sharing his knowledge and expertise to foster the growth of aspiring photographers.

*Images on this site are available for print. Please contact for requests.

Yousuf Sarfaraz | Photographer

Yousuf Sarfaraz is a Documentary photographer from Jamshedpur, India. Currently based in London.
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